Friday, February 23, 2024

January 2024

 OBVIOUSLY our January centered around the Disney Fantasy Cruise...

and really there weren't that many more events.

Shane worked on Temples in... Bismark North Dakota, McAllen Texas and Columbia South Carolina.

I headed back to Orlando late on the 30th with Tayler, Mia and Max.

One thing I learned in January is that give me a hatchet... and I can throw it!

Kenna and Quincy took us to dinner and to Heber Hatchets as our Christmas Present.  It was so fun!

Now not EVERY round did I win.  Quincy was definitely a fantastic hatchet thrower as well.
But I did MUCH better than I thought I'd be able to.

There was lots of time with these cute babies!

There were Aggie Games...

Shane turned 52...

It looks like Max would LOVE just a nibble of that cake!

There was the "Annual Waffle Party"...  love you Grandma Floris!!

and... there was a whole bunch of randomness. haha

January flew by... which means we were having lots of fun.
Cuz January "flying by"... is not the norm. ;)

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