Saturday, July 24, 2021

Wegener Family Reunion

 Year after year it's always a great time at the Wegener Family Reunion @ Ideal Beach.

There was a cloudy/rainy day this year and that's never happened at the family reunion before.  But we still fit it all in.


Beach time...

Pool time...

Mia time... ;)

Getting ready time...

The Pickleville show and dinner...


Lots of time for group games and family fun.

Yummy food.

A great family history presentation by Papa about his dad.

etc. etc. 

And family pictures. 

 Thanks Tayler for taking these for us and for being so good with a self-timer. ;)

And a huge thanks to my parents for making this all happen.
I still think it's pretty awesome that all 44 of us made it this year!

Can't wait for next year!

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