Monday, September 16, 2019

June 2019

June 2019...
We had the Dance Review, the Wegener Family Reunion and...

Saige turned 20

There was girls camp at Heber Valley Campground.
Jadyn went for the whole week.
I brought Kenna up for 2 days because she could only miss cheer 1 day.
So fun to be up there with my girls.
(I was working in the Beehives at the time, currently in my dream job as Primary Pianist now. hehehe)
The Spirit is always strong at Girls Camp.
The messages for our sweet YW are powerful and life changing.
I hope they always remember with fondness their time at Girls Camp,
I know I will.  It was just what I needed.

Kenna had Cheer Camp.

I had a birthday.

We went to Momma Mia at USU to see Megan Heaps.

Golfing for these guys.

Yoga with Tayler on The Studio lawn.

A lemonade Stand.

Swimming lessons for Lydia.

Saige, Shane and Lydia went to the Little Mermaid "dress rehersal" at  Pickleville while we were at Girls Camp.

There was fun with friends.

A day at the fun Park.
It was fun to have Shelly and her boys here!

We went to the Rodney Atkins Concert @ Cherry Peak.

And these cute sisters spent a day at Lagoon.

The first month of summer was great.
Beautiful summer nights.
Time in the sun.
June was too fast in my opinion!

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