Tuesday, September 27, 2016

August 2016

August consisted of a week @ Bear Lake, Getting back into the school grind,

The Ward Campout

Sadly my girls still think this is camping,
since it's the only camping we do... unless you count the backyard.

Shane took the 3 youngest,

while I was off chaperoning the SV cheerleaders for a weekend in Salt Lake.
Have I mentioned these are cute, sweet girls?

We had dinner at the Cheesecake Factory

Then spent some time at the Road Home Shelter playing with the kids.
Wow, what a good experience for all of us.
So rewarding + so heartbreaking

A stay that night in a semi-sketchy hotel in West Valley.
Then off for a hike the next day up big cottonwood canyon to "donut falls".

Pretty sure I got the better draw over the ward campout. ;)

Shane spent a week in Connecticut.

And another week in LA.

We kept on the shave ice grind of course.
These two are ready to apply for a job @ Aloha Snow.
They love when no one is there and Saige lets them come in to make their own.

Jadyn got braces on her top teeth.
Why at age 10 you might ask??
Because orthodontist know how to get their patients to fall for the "3 phases" of braces. ;)
But... in truth she does need more space for her teeth.
Mainly annoying because she already had that terrible expander when she was 7.
So we are on phase 2 now.

Good thing she is cute!

Making the most of those last carefree summer days.

Apparently Lydia had a few dates this month.

Saige spent a weekend in Jackson Hole with her friend Marissa.

 And Saige and Tara finally made it to Lagoon before she had to head back to Texas.
We miss you Tara!

There were a couple of great Sky View Football Games.

And just like that Summer was over.
But it was one to remember!

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