Friday, June 21, 2013

Cheer Pics...

A sneak peek of pictures Tay's cute cheer squad had taken this week.

Absolutely Adorable.  :)

I got to stay with the girls as a "chaperone" last night for the last night of cheer camp. 
These girls are sweet, kind, considerate and gorgeous!
They are becoming life-long friends.

So excited for her.
Funny thing the other chaperone and I stayed up till 4:30 AM chatting,
pretty sure all the "girls rooms" were asleep by 12:30...
And 7:30 rolled around really fast! :)

I needed a nap...

Tay's sleeping on the grass on the side of the road tonight after running her 1st leg for RAGNAR.
I packed for her and she called to see if I had sent a sleeping bag.
Oops... only sent two thin blankets and a pillow pet.
She's going to FREEZE...
So I won't complain about my lack of sleep.
Sorry Tay. :(

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