Tuesday, April 7, 2009

April Fools Fun

Holy Cow... the April Fools Pressure was A LOT this year. I had people calling me all day asking me what I had done... and nothing had worked! I was pretty much out of ideas... and everything I found on the Internet or from friends just weren't going as planned. But I tried anyway....

It started at midnight when I snuck into Tayler's room and changed her clock back 6 hours so that her alarm went off @ 12:05 am but said 6:05 am. This trick backfired... I was tired and all ready for bed, but had to lay around waiting for her to get up. She just kept pushing snooze, I would sneak in her room and listen to her "talking in her sleep", something about "not liking this at all" and "Fun, Fun, Fun" ?? After 40 minutes she had turned the alarm off, so the next morning I got up @ 6 to go wake her up and fix her clock. She had no recollection of the midnight fiasco. :)

Shane left @ 5 am... so I woke up to his alarm and watched him try to get into his shirt with the sleeve sewed up. I got the... "funny Ang, really funny." I had tried to sew his pocket closed on his shirt. (He has something with using that pocket for his paperwork, etc.) But for some reason he picked a different one... so he got that one on April 2nd. He called me saying, "When is this going to end, April Fools only lasts one day, right?"
The next joke (that wasn't even a joke) creeped me out! I am in my pantry... I bend down to pick up something that has fallen out of the garbage and I see this thing... under the garbage I just picked up... moving. Being the coward that I am, I jump back and slam the door... Then have my 5 year old look to see what it was... :) She wouldn't... so we both peek in... and there is a LIVE MOUSE stuck to a sticky trap... on a shelf... IN MY PANTRY! Disgusting!! I had forgotten I even had one of those traps in there. But after this... pretty sure I will ALWAYS have a fresh one in there just in case! Anyway here is this mouse... squeaking... and shaking around... (And able to move with the trap in a 2' foot radius!) I'm thinking to myself, "How would Shane catch a live mouse and get it on that trap? And then put it in my pantry!" Now THAT'S what I call... taking April Fools too far! I had Kenna call him and ask if he had done that. Of course it wasn't a joke... just SO ironic on April Fools Day, guaranteed Shane couldn't have planned that better if he had actually tried!" (When he got home he was nervous to look in the pantry because he was sure that I had made the whole thing up and had some trap set for him!) Pretty much I just kept the door shut all day waiting for my fearless husband to get home to take care of it! I'll tell you what... that's one way to keep me from snacking!!

Later that day I tried the Karo Syrup on the toilet seat. That does NOT work. Way too obvious, but then Shane was on edge all day. I should have tried the Crisco sprayed on the seat first. I think that one would have worked great. I did it AFTER he noticed the Karo Syrup. Pretty much another backfire as I had to consciously remember to squat for the whole day and Shane never said anything, so I finally cleaned that one up.

Tayler tried to get me this year. She had her teacher call and tell me that she was "terrible in class". That didn't fool me for even a second. The teacher was a little disappointed about that and said, "You could have played along for a minute, I lost your number and had to call 10 people to find it!" Had it been any other day, I might have believed Tay had a bad moment... but not on April Fools! I felt bad though, so I made yummy cookies that Tayler took to her the next day.

So pretty much up until 6 PM the day was a flop... as far as pranks... Then it happened... I had been talking up the "April Fools Computer Virus" with Shane all week... saying things like, "make sure you run your virus protection stuff, etc."... all the time knowing I had a few plans for his laptop... hehehe:). He must have been suspicious because he took it to work with him. I figured I wouldn't be able to do anything with out him seeing, but then... the doorbell rang. He went to answer it and I "went to work!" It took me only a minute to switch his right and left clicks on his mouse and get it put away. Of course he came right in and got his computer out to work on something. While he is doing this I'm saying, "I think my computer is OK, but I did have a weird pop-up," Then I ask, "Have you had any problems." He is messing with it, saying, "Oh, my gosh, something is wrong I can't get anything to close." He was getting way nervous... 2 minutes in he calls my computer guru brother... (who doesn't answer because he know his conniving sister is messing with her poor hubby.) A FULL HOUR later, he is still trying to figure it out when he says. I don't know what is happening here, but somehow my right and left clicks on the mouse are backwards. I burst out laughing... I shouldn't have, I mean he would have thought his computer had been hacked into for hours if I hadn't, but I just couldn't help it.

He didn't think it was nearly as funny as I did :) But I got him and good... even he admitted that!

While I was switching his mouse back to the right way I hurried and changed words in his e-mail. So that when you type the, and, is, if, for, I... they auto-correct to VIRUS. I wondered why he hadn't mentioned that. Until we were talking about April Fools with a group of friends after the Priesthood Session on Saturday (a full 3 days later) and Shane says, "I don't know... but something is still messed with my computer... random words auto-correct to virus." I laughed way hard... he definitely didn't think that was funny, and said that he knew I had done that! Whatever... I don't buy that for a second!
April Fools ended up to be a great day... (minus the live mouse thing... not the computer mouse thing!) I'm glad that I have a whole year to figure out what to do next April Fools... Fair warning Shane... I'm sure I'll think of SOMETHING!


Missy W. said...

Andy heard me laughing and asked if I was reading your blog - he was right. I live my april fools day vicariously through you! Thanks!

Andy Wegener said...

I was weak this year... next year you will all fear me.

tbergsjo said...

I can just picture Shane being leery to check the pantry. Poor Guy! Between this post and your Anniversary blog I don't think I will look at Shane in the same way. I am still laughing :).

Allie's Antics said...

It is so nice to know someone else who loves this day! Next year we will have to be co-conspirators. We need to share ideas before the big day arrives.

Christie said...

Always fun to read, and always fun knowing that I can count on you for my April Fool's giggles!

Danae said...

You had me cracking up! I would have FREAKED with the whole mouse thing. I'm super impressed with your computer skills. Hilarious! BTW , YES! We would love to get together. Our in-laws have been out of town, but now that they are back we will be visiting up their a lot. Let's plan a time to hook up! I would love to see you!

Danae said...

OKAY, I put the wrong "there" in my last post and it is bugging me...