Thursday, November 13, 2008


I have been tagged by Kimi... it seemed simple enough these were the rules...

1. Go to your pictures
2. Go to your 4th folder and upoload your 4th picture
3. Post

So lucky me... I came up with this gem of a photo!

WOW! Yes I am at that stage of my pregnancy where you can "safely assume" I am pregnant! Truly I can't believe Shane let me out of the house like that! (Notice I posted it smaller - because much larger and I might break right out of the screen!) This is on Kenna's 3rd birthday - July 3rd 2006... waiting for the fireworks to start... I was pregnant with Jadyn for 22 more days after this photo was taken... WOW again! You know how you see ladies who are pregnant and you can't tell from behind... you can tell from ALL sides when I am pregnant! It's a good thing babies are so dang cute!!

Now it's my turn.... hehehe I tag my new "blogging" sister Shelly (she's not my NEW sister, just a new blogger), Christie, Missy and Alison. See if you can beat that picture!


Shauna said...

I ♥ the picture :) ♥ Hugs!

Christie said...

The last time I was pregnant was over 9 years ago. Before digital cameras were invented (I think). So I'm pretty sure that I'll have a 'safe' photo to share. Love yours!

Missy W. said...

i was there! I remember that day. we played Rage i think.

Shauna said...

P.S I hope you have an awesome weekend! Check out my blog to get your awards with l♥ts of l♥ve from me :) ♥ Hugs! :) Shauna