Sunday, September 7, 2008

President Monson's ear wiggle...

Last April when Shane came home from the Priesthood Session of Conference he was so excited to tell me about President Monson wiggling his ears during his talk. Well here it is... and I'll tell you what... that is a talent that not many people have... What a guy! I love conference... but I can hardly believe it has been almost 6 months since the last one... time flies!


Christie said...

My dad can wiggle his ears. So can Eric. But I doubt either one would wiggle their ears in a church meeting -- let alone the General Priesthood session. When I heard that Pres. Monson wiggled his, it made me love him all the more!

Nicole said...

I can wiggle my ears! but it doesn't look as cool as when Pres. Monson does it! That brought a smile to my face to see that :]

Nells-Bells said...

Pres. Monson is amazing. I had not seen this so thanks for posting it!