Monday, December 22, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Christmas in Zarahemla...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Merry Christmas!!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
8 things tag
8 Shows I Watch:
1. Survivor
2. The Biggest Loser
3. The Amazing Race
4. Grey's Anatomy
5. CSI
6. Law and Order
7. Channel 5's 10 o'clock News
8. What not to Wear
(all on DVR - after the kids go to bed... Not all in one night! :) )
8 Restaurants I Love:
1. Firehouse
2. Fredricos
3. PF Chang's
4. El Sol
5. Olive Garden
6. Texas Roadhouse
7. Cafe Sabor
8. Chilis
8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Answered the door in my robe... straight from the shower. (thanks Shane for the heads-up that the plumber was coming at the crack of dawn.)
2. Took Saige to the dentist to have a filling and 2 teeth pulled.
3. Picked up pictures @ Sam's Club.
4. Shopped on line for Christmas.
5. Worked on vinyl for 4 people...
6. Helped Tayler with her Pre-Algebra and helped Kenna make a "tree" for Kindergarten.
7. I made cookies (and dinner.)
8. Cleaned out five bathroom sink "drains". I'm talking full on take the pipes apart and clean the disgusting globs of goo out. SICKO!
I also cleaned out my entire pantry... looking for one (hopefully not more :() menacing beasts... yes I had LOTS of mouse poop on the shelves in my pantry. It was time to purge all opened packages and clear it all out. (Except I was scared to death to move stuff from the back... what if a ferocious mouse jumped out from its hiding spot... pounced on my face and waged an all out war with me... I would have just fallen backwards, screamed, put my hands in the air and yelled "DEFEAT"!) That's why we made it our FHE activity... (Family fun at its BEST!) Only the girls helped at first, (it was similar to the fishing videos...) so we enlisted Shane, "our fearless mouse hunter"! An hour in my kitchen looked like this...
NO more poop... but no mouse either... GRRR. (Although 3 hours later I had a fantastic looking, Clorox smelling, perfectly organized pantry :)!)
8 Things I Look Forward to:
1. Getting rid of that stupid mouse
2. Christmas
3. Having the girls home for Christmas Break
4. Playing spades with Jeff and Kimi! :)
5. Turning OFF my vinyl machine for the rest of the month!
6. Seeing my girls faces on Christmas morning.
7. Sunday Naps
8. Going on our cruise in January!
8 Wishes:
1. That we will be blessed with another precious baby in our family.
2. That I had an extra hour our two in the day.
3. That the world wasn't so scary!
4. That Barrack Obama wasn't the next president :)
5. That it wasn't so cold outside. And that there wasn't ice on the sidewalks (this morning Kenna was running to the bus stop... with her hands in her pockets... she slipped... hard... and her check tells the story!)
6. That my family will always be healthy and happy
7. That my girls will make good choices.
8. That my girls wouldn't grow so fast.
8 People I tag:
Angela C.
My Daddy
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Dancing Elves...
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The Tree...
Sunday, November 30, 2008
One of those comforts of life is good food... in a comfortable warm home... Our family tradition is having Thanksgiving at my parents house. We all bring something as per my mother’s assignment. And the menu is always the same… so the recipes are given to us by my fabulous cook of a mother… She taught me all she could, "that is when I wasn't hiding" (according to her :)) Obviously I missed out on a few lessons... One of those was definitely the art of bread making... (Thank Heavens for comforts like "Great Harvest"!) Actually I thought that was about all I missed, but I must have missed the "jello" lesson too! This Thanksgiving I was assigned “Pretzel Salad”, a fairly basic recipe with a pretzel crust, cream cheese center and raspberry jello top. The crust and cream cheese layers were no problem, so the jello part should not have been either. The recipe I copied from my mom called for 2 cups of water - maybe 3 (that confused me right there). It was 1 AM (after playing a killer game of settlers online with Kimi, Jeff and Shane). So I couldn’t call my knowledgeable mother to clarify. So I mixed up the jello in the 2 cups of water. (plus a little more?) I swear I stirred it for like 5 min. it wouldn’t fully dissolve, but I poured in on anyway and went to bed. When I woke up Thanksgiving morning I checked out my two pans of yumminess and found no beauty… just a disgusting mess. Apparently I hadn’t sealed the edges of my cream cheese so the jello went right below, and hadn’t set up. I was confused, I mean I can read a recipe and it said nothing about sealing the edges but oh well, I decided to mix up yet another batch of jello, and hope I could salvage it. (I also tried desperately to seal up the edges). A few hours later it was time to head to dinner, with my flop of a recipe, Driving there we had to take every curve as slow as possible because both pans were sloshing all over. (Not an indication of a great jello dish!) So I walk in and say to my mother… “what happened here mom, please don’t assign me this again!” She looks at it and says, “Hmmmm, I have no idea, it doesn’t look like the jello dissolved?”. I reply with… “well, how long are you supposed to stir jello to get it to dissolve? I stirred it for like 10 min., I’ve never done it in cold water before.” My mom’s face told it all, I reply with, “I didn’t boil the darn water.” (But actually I didn’t say darn.) I made 3 batches of jello in cold water. FYI... for jello to set in NEEDS to be cooked. BRILLIANT! (In my defense it said NOTHING about boiling water – yes most people with half a brain would have thought that, but apparently I’m not like MOST people!) Actually, minus the soggy pretzels and the runny jello… it didn’t taste half bad, but then we were just eating the cream cheese/sugar/cool whip drenched in gelatin! I’m guessing that next year I won’t be assigned the pretzel salad. (Although just for a good laugh it might be my assignment for the rest of my life!) The rest of the meal was fab, we washed lots of my “contribution” down the drain though… (and we have plenty of leftovers of in our fridge, so come on over! :) ) I tell that story to make other people feel better about themselves. Someone recently said to me, "what can't you do?" Well here you go... I can't make jello, or bread, or rolls and I definitely can't jump canals, (I also can't hold small animals without freaking out!)... so now everyone who can do those things should feel better about themselves! See there is ALWAYS something to be Grateful for!!!
(I always forget to take pictures of the actual meal... I guess I have food as a higher priority than pictures... that is HIGH! Luckily Tayler took some of her and her cousins!)
Cousin Fun
Paige and Kenna
Poppa and Grayson
...after a little turkey induced nap… Paige, Tara and Steve came over to our house for a game of hokie six, and cold stone ice cream “Falslev style” (actually "Bushman style"... but I stole it! :))
The Snuggie...
(I had to take the actual video off here because I couldn't figure out how to have it not start "automatically", but check it out!)
Saturday, November 22, 2008
TWILIGHT... ahhhh
Thursday, November 13, 2008
1. Go to your pictures
2. Go to your 4th folder and upoload your 4th picture
3. Post
So lucky me... I came up with this gem of a photo!
WOW! Yes I am at that stage of my pregnancy where you can "safely assume" I am pregnant! Truly I can't believe Shane let me out of the house like that! (Notice I posted it smaller - because much larger and I might break right out of the screen!) This is on Kenna's 3rd birthday - July 3rd 2006... waiting for the fireworks to start... I was pregnant with Jadyn for 22 more days after this photo was taken... WOW again! You know how you see ladies who are pregnant and you can't tell from behind... you can tell from ALL sides when I am pregnant! It's a good thing babies are so dang cute!!
Now it's my turn.... hehehe I tag my new "blogging" sister Shelly (she's not my NEW sister, just a new blogger), Christie, Missy and Alison. See if you can beat that picture!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Do you know your shapes?
Apparently I did not prepare my child for Kindergarten as well as I thought I had because I dare say I have never referred to an oval or a diamond as an "ellipse" and "rhombus"...
Think of the changes to our world!... A "ball diamond" should really be known as a "ball rhombus" and the "Olympic Oval"... I will now refer to as the "Olympic Ellipse"!!! Now when I ask the kids to get me "an egg" I follow it with... "you know the ellipse shaped one."
Monday, November 3, 2008
October Fun...
We got "lost" at the Green Canyon Farms Corn Maze…
We made “Trick-or-Treat” buckets…
We went to Saige’s school carnival…
Tayler, Our Spa Princess
Jadyn, our Funky Monkey!
Saige was a "50's girl"... someone asked her if she was from "Happy Days"... she had NEVER heard of it... she relates it better to the movie "Hairspray".
My mom was proud to say it was "her era", I wasn't very excited when Saige asked if I wore something like this to school... AND if I had a color TV when I was growing up! (but then I do keep getting those notices about turning 65 - in fact I got one for a retirement center... that said, "you ought to start thinking about this"!
Kenna our Beautiful Fairy us... well we're pumpkins of course!
…after the carnival we went to the 9 PM showing of High School Musical 3 "Senior Year" (with the Carlsen’s) – on the opening day. What a hoot! I have loved all of these shows, clean, cheesy, with random outbursts of singing at laughable times! Just the kind of show I want my girls watching… (although I will say that the girls in this particular movie definitely have a “different” dress code than my high school had!)
Tay still had her “mask” on from the carnival. People thought she had dressed up like Sharpay from the movie… so we got a lot of “FAB-U-LOUS”. (Jadyn ate her weight in popcorn!)
Our kids love High School Musical so much that we actually drove down to take a tour of East High with them last summer.
But truly we had to go on the opening day because… well… Shane and I did STAR in it!
(I can't figure out why I couldn't post it here... but if you go to the next post you will see it!)
This made me laugh until I cried… Shane didn’t think it was nearly as funny as I did, but I get goosebumps when he is singing to me… don’t you?
We made caramel apples...
We went to the “Pumpkin Walk”… we actually walked to the pumpkin walk on a gorgeous fall day with my mom… An activity we look forward to all year!
We had…. 12 dance lessons, 6 gymnastics lessons, 4 piano lessons, 2 dentist appointments, I finished 5 Super Saturdays and worked on 6 more, 2 parent teacher conf., helped at Kenna's Kindergarten Carnival, ran Saige's "class store", went for school lunch with Saige, had 2 activity days where Saige made this…
And Tayler made this purple fish for a Pumpkin Walk display…
We painted pumpkins for Grandma Falslev’s “Contest”… We carved pumpkins…
We cleaned up the yard for winter and hauled 6 loads to "green waste"...
We took down our trampoline… so no more of this for a while…
We had a picnic… on Nov. 1st… the day was absolutely perfect… I dare say I have NEVER had a picnic in November wearing short sleeves!
The girls made “Mummy dogs”…
The girls all had “crazy hair day” (on different days) at their schools… ( I forgot to take Tayler’s picture… in my defense she leaves for the bus @ 6:45 AM, I'm not really thinking about pictures then!)
We had an adult Progressive Dinner… Very fun, but lots of work for me as Activities Chairman…
We had a Primary Practice… and Sacrament Meeting Primary Program ( I am the pianist.) This meeting is the favorite of the year for me… The girls did great, here are their parts…
We went to an "Emergency Preparedness Meeting". Lots of information, most we had heard before but some good new stuff too. I am now officially a "germ-a-phob" not that I wasn't before this... (Right Andy and Jeff?) So this video she showed made me laugh... But not so much when after it was over Shane actually said, "So are they saying we should cough in our sleeve or we shouldn't" ????????? What do you think?
We went trick-or-treating and had a ward “Trunk-or-Treat”…
Went to dinner with our friends, then played games. (We also played LOTS of "Settlers" on the computer... now that Shane has a laptop we can play each other... we love it!)
We had “Family Pictures” taken… I'm sure I'll post when we get those back!
But Rachel offered to take pictures of us after church the week before…
The WHOLE family had flu shots… Now that is family fun at its best!! And then later that daywe lost Kenna... searched the neighborhood... started to panic... and found her asleep in her bed!
So that is two weeks of our life - thank heavens we had that extra hour! :) Obviously Kenna needed it too!