Wednesday, September 16, 2020

August 2020

what a fun-filled month!!

We started out August with our "Annual Girls Shopping Trip".
This year we opted for just a day of shopping, no staying over.
We had a great time.
We wished dressing rooms were open...
but we are definitely ready (cute clothes wise) to go back to school. ;)

Shane spent a few days working on the Manhattan Temple.

This is how weird our times are...
No flights from Utah were allowed into New York due to COVID.
So... they flew to Philadelphia and drove.

Cheer started back up for Kenna.
Which meant LONG early morning practices.

(and fun gifts at the end of the month).

I finished up a few more quilts in August...

While Shane was in NY we all went to see Megan Heaps in "Bright Star" at the Hale Theatre.
We loved it!

(We mainly loved that we scored 8 tickets for $0 instead of $56/ticket!)

Grandma and Papa T took us to dinner @ Deer Cliff Inn one night.
Thanks guys!

We drove down to Syracuse to meet Paige and Buck's baby girl Raegan.
So precious!

Later in the month they stopped by so Grandma and Papa could meet her.

Jady made us more cakes.

We visited Karie Ann's a few times.

Shane planned us an adventure on the Oneida Narrows.

And an adventure it was!
We had such a great time... 

The first time down we tied us in two groups in circles.
The second time down we decided to tie all 10 of us together... in a line.
That's not a good idea.
We figured that out when we hit a big rock in the center of the river...
which meant half went one way and half the other way.  
7 of the 10 of us flew off our tubes and ended up with LOTS of bruises and cuts.

Was it fun? yes, actually a blast.
Would I do it again? yes, but it's dangerous.
I thought a life jacket wasn't necessary, but yikes, wear the life jacket!!


Soccer started for Lydia.
She's on a Competitive State team this year.
She's playing "up"... so most of the girls are 6th and 7th graders.
Which makes our tiny Lydi look REALLY tiny. haha
But she is loving it.
We're so glad we made the switch because Vicki and Chad are awesome with those girls!

A stop @ Farr Better Ice Cream in Ogden after Lydia's game in Kaysville.

Lydia had a piano recital.
We've switched her teacher, and she LOVES Rachel.

Lydia practices more than any of her sisters ever did.
+ I never have to tell her to!
It's fun to see her actually LOVE it!

There were summer cuddles in the hammock.

and "cuddle puddles" on the couch.

Shane and Lydia had a date to the rodeo.
And this was the only footage I found of that night. haha

Saige's "Summer idea" was a "no hands pasta night" for our back to school dinner.
Not all of us were on board... but we all did it. hahaha
(Boy Jaden was not sad that he was hunting with his dad that night ;))

Megan and Lydia made us all personalized "bibs" for the event.


Then we pulled out the old parachute... that they remember being MUCH larger. haha

and threw up some stunts.

It was a fun time... Thanks Saige!

The next morning the girls had their first day of school.
Complete with masks.
We've ALL been stressing about how long school would last.
But so far... so good!
We talk frequently about being grateful for everyday they get to be in school!

Jadyn is a Freshman @ Green Canyon

Lydia is in 5th grade @ Cedar Ridge Elementary

And Kenna is a SENIOR @ Green Canyon

Where'd my babies go?!?!?

Kenna had her opening day assembly.

Shane took these cuties down to Provo to "Splash Summit" for our last activity on our Get Out Utah Pass.  It's at the old raging waters.

Also Kenna was there too... but she must have been the photographer!

Green Canyon Football started.

Love watching our cute Kenna get to cheer!



Lydia and her best buddy Megan put on a puppet show for us.
We had a great time with her here with us this summer.
Hope she did too!

To finish off the month we switched up our living room and are now all set for fall!

August... thank you for being so awesome and... pretty normal.
I'm totally ready for normal!