I have my hands in lots of pies...
far too many pies...
and truthfully I don't even like pies...
One of those "pies" is the elementary Sciece Fair...
I loathe the Science Fair...
never much enjoyed Science at all really.
But when about the 10th flyer about said "Science Fair" came home and Kenna personally handed it to me and said she REALLY wanted to do it...
I did what all good mothers do... and signed the @&^% paper...
It's just another thing to do in my opinion, and although the paper says right on it that this is for the "children to do."
Uhmmmm... we all know how that goes.
At least at our house...
Classic example...
I call Kenna up to the computer,
Tell her that we are going to find a simple idea...
We look for MAYBE 5 minutes and as she is backing out of the room she says...
"Hey why don't you just find something and we'll do that, I'm good with anything..."
Kenna and I had a little chat about "pies".
Shane when you get home from gallivanting around the midwest.
Kenna has a "pie" she's hoping you'll help her with.