Monday, January 6, 2025

Paris Video November 2024

 Paris... what an adventure.

We loved it!

Thanks for our video Jadyn, what would we do without you??

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

October 2024

October looked like...

The Saturday evening session of General Conference at the Conference Center.

Jadyn's friend Holland Heap joined us!

Apple pickin'

A fun project night at Saige's...

we made these cute ghosts.

Lydia and I drove down to SLC for a stay at the Grand America thanks to Andy not using his "pilot night"... since he was driving up to Logan to see family.

My weekly visit to Mrs. Horman's 1st grade class is always a highlight of my week!

USU's Homecoming Parade.
I think this was the FIRST year we didn't have any of our kids IN the parade.

A couple visits to the Pumpkin Walk on warm October days.
One with these two cuties.

And a Sunday afternoon adventure with more of us!

Baking days with Mia and Jadyn.

Our annual Halloween Dinner is always so much fun + delicious.

We missed having Kenna and Quincy here this year!

Pumpkin Carving

Early voting for these four... Jadyn's FIRST voting experience.
(Chayse Leavitt, Collin Ekstrom and Paige Bagley)

And of course,Halloween...
I know Lydia and Jadyn dressed up, not sure where their pictures are??

Mia did NOT want this picture... bet you couldn't tell...

Mia wearing the costume I made for Tayler couldn't be more precious!

See ya' next year October.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

September 2024

 September started out with Labor Day Weekend at Bear Lake.

Shane was in Alaska with my Dad and brothers but all the married kids made it up Sunday/Monday.

It's too long ago for me to remember all the details... but I'm pretty sure Kate came up with me and Lydia Friday and Jadyn came late Saturday or Sunday Morning.

There was a great fireworks show Saturday night...

the Limber Pine Trail...

Cute babies...



and all the other Bear Lake stuff!!

Such a GORGEOUS and PERFECT weekend!!

To say our Pretty Lydi was excited to get her braces off was an understatement.

They hadn't even been on THAT long but she wasn't sad to see them go haha!!

Looking FABULOUS Lyds!!

Miss Mia started preschool...

time is flying!!

Lots of drill...
drill practice...
drill performances...
drill halftimes.

It's fun to see Lydia and Trey and their friends hanging out together this year!

I finished a quilt this month...

Kenna and Quincy moved to Reno for a few months.... :(
It was sad.
But as time does, it flew by, especially since she came home for a week to tend the Fishers.
We definitely missed having them here for Sunday dinners, and so many other events though!
We hope he was successful in his sales, but secretly not successful enough to want to move there permanently!
Since I'm so late in posting...
they'll be back before this posts... yay!!!!

There was GC's Homecoming Week...
and the Accalia's.

Two little buddies visiting Jadyn at her job... Whips.

Jaden ran the Bear 100.

WOW... what an experience and day to remember.

Jaden is a BEAST!!

This is 100 mile ultramarathon race from Logan to Fish Haven, through the trails of Logan Canyon.

With 22,000 ft of climb.

It's grueling and incredible to watch.

I'm so grateful that I got to be a part of watching it.

We met him at mile 50 about 4 PM at Tony's Grove. These athlete are amazing to come into these aid stations, sit for 5 minutes, hurry and eat/drink something and get up and keep going. And even more amazing that everyone is cheering and supporting everyone.  It really was a special, beautiful experience to witness. Jaden had lots of family there to support him. About 12 of us rushing to get this or that, fill up water bottles, mix in electrolytes, massage his legs etc. 

At this point he said, he was feeling AMAZING!!
He was in 15th place of 250, a little bit ahead of his anticipated time and feeling great.

The next aid station we saw him at was mile 61, he was in 13th place.
He came in coughing A LOT.

We did the same stuff, getting him all situated for the next leg and he told us that this has been such an overwhelming spiritual experience for him. And that he was really concerned about the next two legs.  He said that he knew that if he could get through those two legs then he'd be ok but he was very nervous and he asked Tayler if she'd say a prayer.  So we all gathered in a group and she said the prayer.

The next aid station no spectators could go to.

The next was mile 75... Beaver Mountain.

We had quite a while before he was supposed to be there so we went to Garden City had dinner at Cafe Sabor and then headed up to Jaden's Grandparents Cabin.  Mia and Max were going to sleep there while Jadyn stayed with them.  The rest of us were going to go to Beaver Mountain to see Jaden. 

(Shane, Lydia and I had planned on heading home after Beaver but thought it was such a cool experience that we were debating staying to watch him finish. Jaden's family and obviously Tayler were planning on doing that the whole time.)

We got to Beaver at about 9:30 PM, runners were starting to come in, LOTS more runners than we thought should have come in before Jaden.

We were all really hyped, cheering for everyone thinking the next one on this super dark night had to be Jaden and then wondering where he was when it wasn't??

It was close to 11 when he made it in... an hour past his goal.
His dad got to him first and he just said I can't breath, I'm only breathing 1/2 capacity, I need medical.

They took him right in, he was coughing so hard he was coughing up blood.
It was sad.

In the end after much prodding, cuz Jaden is a stubborn guy...
he went to the Emergency Room.
He was not happy about it.
He did not think he needed to be there.

He told us that Sunday that the Dr. was NOT happy with him for being a pissy patient and when he said he wanted to leave he told him you can leave, but your kidneys are shutting down and you were very close to a heart attack, so you might die, but you can leave.

In the end the diagnosis was Rhabdo.

He was pretty emotional when he was telling us about the lady running in front of him who got sick, who's friend running with her was a Dr. 
Jaden caught up to them and they helped him get to Beaver.  He doesn't know that he could have done it on his own without them.  He talked about how, he doesn't know why she got sick, but he knows that was an answer to his prayers.

That was a long story...

Jaden is a beast physically.

But he also taught us spiritual lessons I don't want to forget.
It was a day to remember, that's for sure.

Mr. Max turned ONE on September 25th

And that was that!